Bow School Sixth From

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In September 2023, Bow School and Sixth Form underwent an Ofsted inspection. We are thrilled to share that Sixth Form was found to be Good, and the school to be Good in all areas. 

It is testament to our ethos that inspectors recognised that "pupils enjoy coming to this ambitious, forward looking school, where they become world ready and career ready ’’. At Bow Sixth Form, we pride ourselves on ensuring that each and every person in our care is provided with the resources they need to achieve excellence.

The inspection report highlighted specific areas of strength:

  • The school is determined to prepare pupils for the next stage of life and learning.
  • Students in the growing sixth form succeed in their studies.
  • Many students go on to top universities and successful careers.
  • Pupils embrace leaders high aspirations.
  • The curriculum is broad and ambitious. 
  • Pupils and sixth form students are safe. They behave respectfully and are keen to learn.
  • The school provides an engaging, relevant curriculum that equips pupils for becoming responsible active citizens.
  • The sixth form offers courses that meet the range of students needs and interests.
  • The curriculum is inclusive and empowering. It prepares students well to follow their aspirations for the future.
  • Pupils positive attitudes to learning are reflected in attendance and punctuality rates . These are high including in the sixth form. 
  • The careers programme is carefully woven through tutor periods, assemblies and subject lessons in each year group encouraging pupils to regularly consider their futures Older pupils benefit from impartial individualised career advice and guidance.
  • Pupils and sixth form students appreciate the scope to develop as leaders and to
    contribute to the wider life of the school and community. This includes outreach work to
    feeder primary schools and sports leadership.
  • Some pupils and sixth form students have become mental health ambassadors . They are trained to be supportive mentors to fellow pupils who are struggling with their mental health. 
  • Teachers subject knowledge is strong. 

Read the full report here.